Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The Sound of Independent Sweden [new article]

A few days ago i stumbled on an article that is focusing on the Swedish Music phenomena. David Coleman of noripcord.com is publishing his own guide to Swedish Independent music in a two piece feature, divided by city of origin instead of alphabetical. Read the first part here, and stay tuned for the second part.

Its been mentioned many times before. Why does Sweden have such a high density of great artists in such a small country? I didn't have a good answer for that but some people have tried to explain it (someone was mentioning the water in the comments).

In a dutch article published recently they mentioned both the climate (stay inside all winter and write great music), the Swedish public radio, SR, is very good and focus a lot of their attention on new talents and Swedish music in general (especially P3). Plus our high taxes is giving the government a chance to sponsor youth organizations that focus on music and gives the kids somewhere to practice.

It all seems very likely to me :) but what do you think? Write your thoughts in the comments.

Also check out Swedish Public Radio and the Scandinavian music blog Its a trap! for more info about Swedish music.