Anna Ternheim released her new album
Leaving on a Mayday in recently, and it was with great expectations i opened the pre-ordered package with the CD (yes i still buy CD's). At first i was not impressed, noticing a new side, with more firmness and finesse. With more new sounds and new influences. It felt like one of her strengths was gone; the naked sound of her voice with a piano or a guitar. I didn't know what to think of it, i was a bit stunned.
Then the day came when me and my friend A went to see her live at Röda Sten. I have been looking forward to this concert for a long time since it was suppose to be special, with a limited number of seats in a venue that is usually used for art exhibits. And there she was on stage with her band, swaying back and forth like a hunchback in pain, turned away from the crowd. The new songs came to life that night, in a big concrete building with the acoustic of a church [16 meters to the ceiling]. It was a night of both old and new songs, Anna alone taking requests from the fans in the front and finally ending it with two call backs and the A Capella version of
Summer Rain [with her four backup singers]. Anna was witty and humble, happy to be there and sometimes totally swept up in the music.
It was magical.I was happy to be there. I was happy to hear the
Wedding Song which is an old song, but new to me, i was happy that the moon was shining through the window to set the mood, i was happy to hear a hand clap version of
French Love and one of my new favorites
My Heart Still Beats For You, I was happy to see Elle-Kari Larsson from
The Tiny as one of the backup singers [who also played several instruments].
It was a great night, definitely on my concert top five list.
To wrap this up i must add that i think that her new album grew a lot after this concert. This music is meant to be hard live and not through computer speakers... And after listening to her old albums i understand why she has come to the point where she needs to change. It might also be that the move to New York earlier this year influenced the music in a new way. I just think you should give this album another chance. And go see her if you can.
Im now looking to find Annas Secret EP, where the Wedding Song is featured. I haven't been able to find it, so if you do, please let me know! Check out for more news about Anna!---